1. Ultimate Slave Contract Between a Female Slave and

    Date: 2/11/2017, Categories: Anal, BDSM, Hardcore, Author: emittto, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    All physical evidence of the slavery will be kept in total secrecy, except where both MASTER and slave agree. Any violation of this clause shall be cause to terminate this contract, should the injured party wish it. The materials and physical evidence shall be kept under lock and key in a place acceptable to both parties. 7.0.0 Alteration of Contract This contract may not be altered, except when both MASTER and slave agree. If the contract is altered, the new contract shall be printed and signed, and then the old contract must be destroyed. 8.0.0 Termination of Contract This contract may be terminated at any time by the MASTER, but never by the slave, except under special conditions explained within this contract. Upon termination, all physical evidence of the slavery, including this contract, will be destroyed. The slave shall once again own their body. 9.0.0 Slave's Signature I, the slave named _______________ hereinafter, submit, of my own free will, to MASTER __________, and agree to the following terms and conditions as stated in this Contract of Slavery. I am a slave and the owned property of my MASTER. I agree to complete and instant obedience of any command from my MASTER. I agree to be trained in any manner my MASTER wishes. I agree and will submit to any discipline or punishment my MASTER sees fit. This might include, but is not limited to: Punishment strokes, delivered in any manner my MASTER chooses; Prolonged bondage or gagging in any manner my MASTER chooses; ...
    Being f***ed to sl**p on the floor, in chains or bondage as my MASTER sees fit; Confinement in a cage, cell or locked box, provided with necessary water, blankets, food and place for personal hygiene (if more than 6 hours). I agree to put on, wear, or take off any article of clothing or instrument of bondage, at any time, at the command of my MASTER. I agree to conform to the following behavioral specifications: I will not sit, lie on or use the furniture without the expressed permission of the MASTER. I will not go to the bathroom without permission from my MASTER. (He must not delay more than 1 hour of asking) I will keep myself scrupulously clean at all times. (Half an hour of personal hygiene every 6 hours) I will not get into or out of bed without my MASTER’s permission. I will not eat or drink without the permission of my MASTER. (He must permit within half an hour of asking) I shall never embarrass my MASTER in any way. I will not engage in malicious gossip or use insulting or demeaning language towards others. My manner and tone will be that of a slave at all times and will reflect deference to my MASTER at all times. (During hours of roleplay) I will not act defensively when questioned by my MASTER. I will never interrupt my MASTER, or others when speaking. I will not engage in sex, intimate touching, or engage in any scene without the expressed permission of my MASTER. I will always serve the MASTER in a kneeling position, eyes downward, and holding the position until ...