Date: 10/4/2015, Categories: Fantasy, Consensual Sex, Erotica, Male / Females, Romance, Author: Gentalman, Rating: 91.4, Source: sexstories.com
‘Somebody took farming to a whole new level.’ I thought, in awe, watching a goat munch on grass in front of me. “Hey Pa.” I heard someone yell from my side. I turned to find a sunken pool in the back yard. Out of the water stepped a girl of such beauty, I swear I saw her in my dreams a few times. An infectious smile crossed her lips and eye brows fluttered back at me. Water beaded and ran down her tanned body, lazily chasing each trickle’s path. She pushed the water back over her blonde hair with both of her hands. Cleavage of crescent moons confined to a white bikini top and surrendering white flag bottoms, formed in a “V” to push any model into bouts of jealousy, swayed while she sauntered towards us. I fought with myself. I had to stop staring at her because Henry would surely notice, not to mention the girl. My head tried to turn but my eyes refused to budge. Finally, through sheer will power, I broke free of the gaze she put me in. It wasn’t her sexy shape or the healthy walk in her step that ensnared me. Oh, there was no doubt it would be enough for anyone else. But for me, it was her luscious, provocative smile and lusty, erotic eyes that captivated me. Even as I tried not to look at her, I still saw her in my mind. I had to snap out of it. Call it a hex, a curse, or some such magic, but she enthralled me wholeheartedly. “What’s up?” she continued, stepping close to the jeep. Henry got out and said, “Daisy died on me in town.” and stepped to the front of Jenny. “Dad, ...