1. Plan C: Chapter 1

    Date: 1/5/2017, Categories: BDSM, Author: 1feistykitten, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories

    "This day is not going well", Becca grumbled to herself as she looked at her flat tire, then turned to look up and down the seemingly deserted street. "I knew I shouldn't have tried that shortcut!" Pennsylvania was a large state with lots of wilderness back-roads. Not the best place to be stranded. It was a hot July day, definitely over ninety. Becca had her long, brown, hair pulled back in a low ponytail that still hung down her back even being up. Absently, she reached up and wiped the back of her hand across her forehead, pushed her glasses up her nose and breathed out on a long, heavy sigh. Knowing she was going to be late, she reached around and dug her phone out of her back jean pocket and checked her service. "No signal....of course! Ugh! Can this day possibly get any worse!!?" she shouted as she kicked her very flat and pitiful looking tire only to jump back holding her foot and hopping around to her driver-side door and sit down, panting, "Ouch! Right, because that was so helpful!" She examined her foot while complaining about a flat tire being that hard. That was when she heard the sound of a motor. Relief washing through her she jumped up and started waving frantically at the passing truck so he could stop and help her, only to pause with her hands high in the air. She didn't know this guy. He could be a serial killer, or a gang member, or even a politician! She immediately moved her hands to her hair and pretended to be fixing it, hoping the man would just keep ...
    driving like most normal people these days, and not realize she was stranded, alone on the side of the road. All hopes of the man passing her by were squashed when she heard the telling sound of gravel crunching as the truck pulled of the road and slowed, coming to a stop right behind her beloved Honda Civic. Trying to appear grateful to be rescued, she casually looked around for a weapon. "Maybe if I stop to tie my shoe I can pick up a rock", she thought only to dismiss it immediately. If he was a bad guy, seeing a rock in her hand would only be viewed as a threat. The man opened his truck door and stepped out. Swallowing hard and thinking fast, she dashed for her car, quickly reaching in her purse and pulling out the only thing she could think of that might help her. Feeling somewhat braver with her makeshift weapon, she turned as she heard the man approach. "Hi, and thank you for stopping. I have a flat tire and-".....she froze as she looked up the man who stopped right in front of her. All the way up. Wow, he was tall. He looked at her with a warm smile on his very attractive, yet older face. "Hmmm, I didn't see that coming," she thought, looking at the man. He was very tall, maybe 6'1" or 6'2" with extremely stunning green eyes and a thick head of wavy brown hair that fell partially in his eyes that was slightly graying at his temples. He wore a navy blue t-shirt with work boots, and snug jeans that had been broken in long ago. Eyeing the jeans she noticed how they fit his ...