Kneel Mother!
Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Anal, BDSM, Domination/submission, Spanking, Author: CandyXLove, Rating: 85.7, Source: sexstories.com
Susan smiled at her daughter. She had gotten used to eating dinner alone since her daughter had left for college. "I am so glad you are back home. You did great at college, but this is where you belong, Amy," Susan said as she stood up from the table and walked with her plate to the sink. "Thank you Mother. College wasn't bad, but they did not have food like yours there," Amy answered watching her mother walk back and forth putting everything from the table away. "You have always been so sweet. If you haven't learned how to cook yet we need to get you started tomorrow. If you help me that will be a fun way to do it don't you think?" Susan went on while she was cleaning the table and started to clean the dishes in the sink. "I can show you how to make that lasagna you like so much. That is a good dish to learn because you can freeze everything you don't eat into nice portions and that way you will always have food for days." "Turn around mother," she heard her daughter whisper from behind. Susan knew the mood had changed. It was not the joyous, happy feeling they had both felt since Amy had come home a few hours before. She knew her daughter was after something else now. Something that Susan had dreaded and sincerely hoped wouldn't take place this time. Still she slowly turned around facing her daughter that had gotten up from the table and was standing a few feet away from her. "Please, Amy, we do not need to do this," Susan pleaded even if she knew her daughter wouldn't ...