1. Modeling Auditions part 1 18yr old - Flesh holes magazine.

    Date: 11/2/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Authoritarian, BDSM, Bondage and restriction, Cannibalism, Cruelty, Death, Humiliation, Rape, Slavery, Snuff, Author: mikey19341, Rating: 38.1, Source: sexstories.com

    to groggily wake up...most of the girls start to wake up and look around at the nakedness and the cage which they are being held. Then the spot light blinds them and they scream....at the site of all the writing on their bodies....the begin to whine and cry....they still cannot see us hiding in the shadows of the darkness......we all laugh at the site and the screams...Ahh the anticipation...Jackie, Monica and Theresa are all awake now up on the stage trying to free themselves.... Jake is dying to start but I hold him off....Wait, wait.......Now! The music starts and Jake in his devil mask come out on stage in his robe ..he walks over to Janie who is still out cold.....without saying a word he flips her ass up....opens his rode, spits on his cock, positions his cock head at her dry tight 19 yr old ass....he waits and waits as he groves to the music....finally the end and the big drum beat...Just as it goes thump he jams his cock balls deep in her ass making it explode...she instantly wakes up and lets out a shriek of pain as her ass is torn wide open...every girl in the room shuts up in an instant and they all gasp and stare at Janie... The music stops and all that is left is Janie screaming and helpless as she is bound....Jake lets out a devilish laugh pulls out and looks at her anus spasming from the pain....He waits for her to take a breath and jams his mother fucking cock right back into her even harder...now her scream turns into tears....all the girls start yelling ...
    at Jake telling him to get off of her.....He ignores them and continues to rape her ass.... Finally he tires of her tears and walks up the cage....he reaches in the cage and grabs a handful of hair and pulls another bitch to the bars....and smashes her face into the bars...he looks at her and she spits on his face. He laughs and tells her to spit in his mouth....she does.....he reaches in his pocket with his free hand...His hand comes out with red powder all over it...he looks at her and jams his hand up her cunt...His entire hand and picks her up off the ground....His hand still holding her hair....He just holds her there until the eyes widen and fear floods her eyes...He holds her as she begins to make desperate attempt to get his fist out of her.....What the fuck did you put inside me she screams "I am burning" and he reaches down and sucks her little perkie tit....her ass is wiggling to get free....he clenchs his teeth on her nipple and with a quick clamp he bites her nipple clean off....then drops her to the floor...she flops around the ground like a possessed demon....Only we know that jake has special hot cayenne powder in his pocket and she thinks she is burning from the inside out...all the other girls just step back and watch...Stunned... Jake yes Next? but they all move as far away as possible....I thought so he yells and returns to Janie on the floor... his toy is still whimpering from his ass fucking and he sits next to her and pets her...my good little bitch he ...