1. Sexy Sarah

    Date: 10/31/2016, Categories: Fantasy, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Exhibitionism, Male/Female, Romance, Voyeurism, Author: xxxstoryteller69xxx, Rating: 83.3, Source: sexstories.com

    ate dinner, had drinks, etc, while Sarah was right there with her soft fingers inside of her wet pussy. Such a naughty fucking girl I told her. Sarah smiled and told me I had gotten her so fucking horny, she couldn't help it. As she brought her fingers to my mouth, I licked them clean. Sucking and licking her sweet pussy juice from her sexy fingers. mmm, so yummy I told her. Right then the waiter walked up and was looking at us like he knew what we were up to. Sarah giggled some as she ordered her drink, a long screw on the beach. The waiter turned kind of red when she ordered, but I think he was just as turned on by her as I was. when he walked away, she told me I should leave him her panties with the tip.. Such a naughty girl I told her, but hell yes, such a hat tease to do to someone. She told me he was cute anyway, so it would be a turn on for her. We had our drinks and ate, Sarah flirting with the waiter some as he came around each time. I could tell he thought she was sexy, he kept coming to our table to ask if she needed anything. So about the time we were about to leave, he came over and asked again, so Sarah replied with a no thank you handsome, but for being such a good waiter, I am leaving a special tip for you.. with that, she took her panties from me and showed him, sitting them on the table next to the money I had left. With that, we stood up, Sarah reached over and grabbed his cock in his pants and said have a good night. To Be continued? Let me know if I should keep going readers. Grammar nazis don't bother, I don't care about your paragraph issues.