1. Family/Babysitter 2

    Date: 10/17/2016, Categories: Fantasy, Asian, Erotica, Male / Female Teens, Male / Females, Wife, Author: ohbegentle, Rating: 92.1, Source: sexstories.com

    minutes, and he went to sleep. Tessa was in a mess, deeply concerned about the boy,she burst into tears... "Oh I'm so sorry Jane, I was terrified, he was gasping for air and coughing badly, I almost called the ambulance". Jane hugs Tessa - consoling her. " It's okay, we should have been more careful making sure you had his medicine, I suppose we had been slack because he hadn't had an attack for 3 months. Settle down Tessa it's not your fault ". Kissing Tessa on the forehead and strokes her hair . " There , there. Really he's alright now ......hey what do you say we crack a bottle of bubbly and watch some TV, I'm half pissed and am missing out on a great night". " Oh I've ruined your night ". Tessa cries again" . "You look so beautiful in your dress ...hot if I may say so". " Thank you", Jane wipes the tears away from Tessa's cheeks. " Now you go to the ladies and freshen up, I'll get into something more comfortable ....then we'll open a bottle of bubbly and watch a DVD... okay". Tessa agrees. Tessa returns to find Jane sitting on the lounge in a silk dressing gown, pouring two glasses of champagne, she offers one to Tessa ......whom sits beside Jane. "Lets drink and be merry ....I've already had one , he he. ...(feeling warm and light headed).... so what will we watch Tess ". Tessa taking along sip of bubbly. " mmm, thats good ....sweet and soothing,yum.." Jane giggling, " I have another bottle ......now lets watch ...um Dirty Dancing ...and we can dance to it as well, ...
    shake some booty ...heh heh". Jane puts the movie on... and they both drink the bubbly, Tessa refills them this time. They get up and dance to the music on the movie, imitating the sexy moves on the movie, both are laughing having a great time. As Jane dances shaking her booty to the delight of Tessa , Janes cord slips off her gown her gown opens, revealing lace bra and panties protecting an exquisitely curvaceous sexy body .The wine and the movie are mesmerizing, they continue dirty dancing to the music, Jane very tipsy drops the hindering gown to the floor, laughing, Tessa claps in approval. Tessa is absolutely taken by Janes movements, she moves closer to Jane , and takes off her jeans in a sexy manner , Jane applauding - they place their hands on each others hips swaying there hot buttocks to and fro , all the time, laughing, when the music stops they have some more bubbly. " Wow Jane your the hottest mover I've ever seen ... Jack's a lucky man ". Tessa, thinking, fuck my nipples are taut and my pussy is soaked in my love juice, oh I feel so great, I need to seduce Jane , I need to fuck with her, oh god I hope she plays, I want her to touch me all over. They both flop onto the lounge for a breather, making body contact, laughing..... Tessa also slightly drunk, accidently spills champagne on her top,and onto the lounge .......... "Oh fuck sorry ", says Tessa. Jane laughs and uses some tissues to soak up the champagne on the seat, and dabs Tessa's T-shirt seeing Tessa's perky ...